Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Burlington Downtown Dining

Burlington Downtown Dining 2007 – a tasty tour showcasing the delights of 19 downtown restaurants – took place on Sunday July 8th, 2007.

For the first time ever Downtown Dining was comprised of four tours, each consisting of five participating restaurants, with Tours 1-3 selling out in a record breaking 48 hours. The tours ran from 11:15 a.m. to 3:00 pm, with twenty groups of 32 guests spending the afternoon strolling the streets of Burlington’s downtown and indulging in food, wine and beer provided by 2020 Lakeside, 5050 Tandoor and Grill, Di Mario's Trattoria, Emma's Back Porch / The Water Street Cooker, Ivanka's Downtown Bistro, Kaareli's Restaurant and Wine Bar, La Costa Nuova, Le Chef Complet, My-Thai By The Lake, Paradiso Restaurant, Pepperwood Bistro, Siam Dish, Sonzi, The Grinning Gourmand, The Landmark Steakhouse, The Martini House, The Poacher, The Queen's Head and The Sugar Bar.

The $27,000 raised was donated to Performing Arts Burlington (PAB), a not-for-profit organization created to promote and develop local performing arts. Proceeds will be used to support PAB’s arts development program, a series of workshops and seminars aimed at helping local performers and performing groups expand their resources and skills.

Next year’s tickets will go on sale May 5th 2008 at or by calling 905-631-6666.

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